Saturday, June 25, 2016

Double Yolk

Here are our first 2 eggs.  One was a double cool is that..2 yolks in one egg.  Mmmmm!!

They're here!!!

Well, the chickens came 3 days ago, but we weren't finished the coop and run.  We left them in the crate while we put a door on the coop so we could contain them in their new home.

Monday, June 20, 2016

It's the day before we get 10 chickens and we are frantically trying to finish the chicken coop.  We are excited for our new friends and fresh eggs but don't know how we will be ready in time!  Our adventure is just about to begin..our modest family of four taking on a little chicken owning venture.  Are we crazy?  Are we ready?  Are we going to be able to survive?  Stay tuned and join us for this adventure!

If you don't try, you'll never know!